Stop Polluting! Start Saving!

Suntem dedicați misiunii de a contribui la un viitor mai curat și sustenabil prin oferirea unei soluții inovatoare pentru eficiența combustibilului.
Credem că putem face o diferență semnificativă în reducerea poluării și a
consumului de combustibil.

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Ways to consume less diesel or fuel

Viscosity of the oil

Fuel consumption should not be the obstacle for which you may choose not to leave home with your own car. Eliminate the causes and normalize fuel consumption. The overload of your car's engine can also depend on the viscosity of the oil you feed the motor vehicle with, and not just on km/h. So it's good to consider checking the oil before you hit the road! You may have heard that new car models require a low viscosity motor oil, 5W-20 or 5W-30. This is because these thicker oils reduce fuel consumption during cold starts in the winter when there is less oxygen available for combustion. They also thicken as the weather warms and increase resistance to prevent overheating while giving the pistons time to cool down before moving again (which saves energy).

If you have Supertech installed on your car, both in the case of gasoline and diesel engines, you will have a reduced consumption of 6-13% and reduce carbon emissions by up to 80%.


Useful information about the SuperTech® fuel consumption reduction device

SuperTech® - is a combustion optimizer, which is installed inside the fuel tank (gasoline or diesel) and makes it, by eliminating the ash emitted by combustion, reduce consumption and servicing costs because the injection system (injectors), EGR, turbo , DPF particle filter, will be protected.

Principle of operation: Supertech is activated by movement after it is installed - see the installation procedure - inside the fuel tank. When the SUPERTECH comes into contact with the fuel and due to the kinetic (motion) energy given by the vibration of the vehicle, it emits Infrared Electromagnetic Waves that temporarily weaken the VAN DER WAALS intermolecular bonds. The benefit given by the temporary weakening of the intermolecular Van Der Waals bonds is to INCREASE THE REACTION SURFACE thus creating a partial vaporization that optimizes the combustion process of the fuel in the combustion chamber. So part of the unburnt fuel transformed into noxe/ash, which we remove before the Supertech installation, we will now (after the Supertech installation) gain in the combustion chamber, representing a 6-13% consumption saving. So Supertech works on unburned hydrocarbons.

SuperTech®, the most effective product for reducing your car's fuel consumption.

Our products Assembly centers SUPERTECH® References & Certifications Have questions? We have answers!

Reduces fuel consumption by 6-13%

Reduces carbon emissions by up to 80%

Versatile compatibility

Available for various types of vehicles, from motorcycles and cars to trucks, tractors, caravans, boats and yachts, generators and more. More details

Unrivaled adaptability!





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