Ways to consume less diesel or fuel
Viscosity of the oil
Fuel consumption should not be the obstacle for which you may choose not to leave home with your own car. Eliminate the causes and normalize fuel consumption. The overload of your car's engine can also depend on the viscosity of the oil you feed the motor vehicle with, and not just on km/h. So it's good to consider checking the oil before you hit the road! You may have heard that new car models require a low viscosity motor oil, 5W-20 or 5W-30. This is because these thicker oils reduce fuel consumption during cold starts in the winter when there is less oxygen available for combustion. They also thicken as the weather warms and increase resistance to prevent overheating while giving the pistons time to cool down before moving again (which saves energy).
If you have Supertech installed on your car, both in the case of gasoline and diesel engines, you will have a reduced consumption of 6-13% and reduce carbon emissions by up to 80%.